Adobe Systems Federal District Court Decisions

Compression Labs Incorporated v. Adobe Systems Incorporated et al

Filed: May 24, 2004 as 2:2004cv00158
Court: Texas Eastern District Court
Defendant: "defendants", Agfa Corporation, Apple Computer Incorporated, Axis Communications Incorporated, Canon USA Incorporated, CLI, Concord Camera Corporation, Creative Labs Incorporated, Eastman Kodak Company, Fuji Photo Film USA Inc, Fujitsu Computer Products of America Inc, Gateway Incorporated, Hewlett-Packard Company, JASC Software, Inc, JVC Americas Corporation, Kyocera Wireless Corporation, Matsushita Electric Corporation of America, Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America Inc, Oce North America Incorporated, Onkyo USA Corporation, PalmOne Incorporated, Panasonic Communications Corporation of America, Panasonic Mobile Communications Development Corporation of USA, Ricoh Corporation, Riverdeep Incorporated, Savin Corporation, Thomson Inc, Thomson S A, Xerox Corporation
Plaintiff: Compression Labs Incorporated
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER granting 17 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply to plaintiff's complaint; deadline extended to 7/6/04 . Signed by Judge T. John Ward on 5/19/04. (ktd, )

Compression Labs Incorporated v. Adobe Systems Incorporated et al

Filed: May 21, 2004 as 2:2004cv00158
Court: Texas Eastern District Court
Defendant: "defendants", Agfa Corporation, Apple Computer Incorporated, Axis Communications Incorporated, Canon USA Incorporated, CLI, Concord Camera Corporation, Creative Labs Incorporated, Eastman Kodak Company, Fuji Photo Film USA Inc, Fujitsu Computer Products of America Inc, Gateway Incorporated, Hewlett-Packard Company, JASC Software, Inc, JVC Americas Corporation, Kyocera Wireless Corporation, Matsushita Electric Corporation of America, Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America Inc, Oce North America Incorporated, Onkyo USA Corporation, PalmOne Incorporated, Panasonic Communications Corporation of America, Panasonic Mobile Communications Development Corporation of USA, Ricoh Corporation, Riverdeep Incorporated, Savin Corporation, Thomson Inc, Thomson S A, Xerox Corporation
Plaintiff: Compression Labs Incorporated
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER granting 16 Motion; dft Xerox Corp is granted to and through 7/6/04 to answer or otherwise plead . Signed by Judge David Folsom on 5/20/04. (ktd, )

Compression Labs Incorporated v. Adobe Systems Incorporated et al

Filed: May 21, 2004 as 2:2004cv00158
Court: Texas Eastern District Court
Defendant: "defendants", Agfa Corporation, Apple Computer Incorporated, Axis Communications Incorporated, Canon USA Incorporated, CLI, Concord Camera Corporation, Creative Labs Incorporated, Eastman Kodak Company, Fuji Photo Film USA Inc, Fujitsu Computer Products of America Inc, Gateway Incorporated, Hewlett-Packard Company, JASC Software, Inc, JVC Americas Corporation, Kyocera Wireless Corporation, Matsushita Electric Corporation of America, Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America Inc, Oce North America Incorporated, Onkyo USA Corporation, PalmOne Incorporated, Panasonic Communications Corporation of America, Panasonic Mobile Communications Development Corporation of USA, Ricoh Corporation, Riverdeep Incorporated, Savin Corporation, Thomson Inc, Thomson S A, Xerox Corporation
Plaintiff: Compression Labs Incorporated
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER granting 18 Motion for Extension of Time to File a response to pla's complaint Responses due by 7/6/2004. Signed by Judge T. John Ward on 5/21/04. (ktd, )

Compression Labs Incorporated v. Adobe Systems Incorporated et al

Filed: May 10, 2004 as 2:2004cv00158
Court: Texas Eastern District Court
Defendant: "defendants", Agfa Corporation, Apple Computer Incorporated, Axis Communications Incorporated, Canon USA Incorporated, CLI, Concord Camera Corporation, Creative Labs Incorporated, Eastman Kodak Company, Fuji Photo Film USA Inc, Fujitsu Computer Products of America Inc, Gateway Incorporated, Hewlett-Packard Company, JASC Software, Inc, JVC Americas Corporation, Kyocera Wireless Corporation, Matsushita Electric Corporation of America, Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America Inc, Oce North America Incorporated, Onkyo USA Corporation, PalmOne Incorporated, Panasonic Communications Corporation of America, Panasonic Mobile Communications Development Corporation of USA, Ricoh Corporation, Riverdeep Incorporated, Savin Corporation, Thomson Inc, Thomson S A, Xerox Corporation
Plaintiff: Compression Labs Incorporated
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER granting 8 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer re 1 Complaint; deadline extended to 7/2/04 . Signed by Judge T. John Ward on 5/10/04. (ktd, )