Furia v. Magical Cruise Company, Limited d/b/a Disney Cruise Line
Filed: April 8, 2020 as 6:2020cv00604
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Magical Cruise Company, Limited d/b/a Disney Cruise Line, Magical Cruise Company, Limited
Plaintiff: Denise Furia
Nature of Suit: Marine
Disney Enterprises, Inc., et al v. VidAngel, Inc.
Filed: April 3, 2020 as 20-55352
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Defendant / Appellant: VIDANGEL, INC.
T. P., et al v. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Filed: March 31, 2020 as 20-80062
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Petitioner: A. E. P., Individually, T. A. L., by and through G.L., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, C. M. H., by and through H.A.H., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, A. M. N., by and through V.M.N., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, J. L. C., Individually, B. D. G., Individually, S. P., Individually, C. P., Individually, A. M. W., by and through D.L.W., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, L. J. T., Individually, D. A. J., Individually, V. M. N., Individually, E. L. M., by and through C.P., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, T. P., by and through S.P. as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, K.A.C., by and through J.L.C., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, E. G. R., Individually, P. F. E., by and through B.P.E., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, M. I. P., Individually, D. L. W., Individually, G. L., Individually, V. J. B., by and through S.L.B., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, D. F., by and through C.F., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, E. A. P., by and through A.E.P., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, C. F., Individually, K. A. R., by and through D.R.., as Next Friend, Parent and Court-appointed Co-Guardian, H. A. H., Individually, M. Y. R., Individually, L. V. F., Individually, D. L. B., by and through L.V.F., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, T. J. A., by and through L.A., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian, D. R., Individually, Y. Z., by and through M.Y.R., as Next Friend, Parent and Natural Guardian
and others
Washington v. Magical Cruise Company, Limited d/b/a Disney Cruise Line
Filed: March 11, 2020 as 6:2020cv00444
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Magical Cruise Company, Limited d/b/a Disney Cruise Line, Magical Cruise Company, Limited
Plaintiff: Gwendolyn Washington
Nature of Suit: Marine
Lanham v. Walt Disney Co. and Affliates et al (PLR1)
Filed: February 25, 2020 as 3:2020cv00080
Court: Tennessee Eastern District Court
Defendant: Frozen II, Suzanne Francis, Disney Press, Walt Disney Co. and Affliates, Megan Ilinkski, Frozen
Plaintiff: Deborah M Lanham
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
Eugene v. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc.
Filed: February 10, 2020 as 6:2020cv00223
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc.
Plaintiff: Isabelle J. Eugene
Nature of Suit: Employment
Moore v. Magical Cruise Company, Limited d/b/a Disney Cruise Line
Filed: January 15, 2020 as 6:2020cv00078
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Magical Cruise Company, Limited d/b/a Disney Cruise Line
Plaintiff: Harrison Moore
Nature of Suit: Marine
Blueprint IP Solutions, LLC v. Walt Disney Company
Filed: December 20, 2019 as 6:2019cv02396
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Company
Plaintiff: Blueprint IP Solutions, LLC
Nature of Suit: Patent
Lucius v. Disney Store USA, LLC
Filed: December 13, 2019 as 1:2019cv25151
Court: Florida Southern District Court
Defendant: Disney Store USA, LLC, Disney Shopping, Inc.
Plaintiff: Windy Lucius
Nature of Suit: Americans with Disabilities - Other
Trust Your Journey, LLC v. THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY et al
Filed: December 10, 2019 as 3:2019cv00735
Court: Nevada District Court
Defendant: THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY, Disney Store USA, LLC, Disney Consumer Products, Inc.
Plaintiff: Trust Your Journey, LLC
Nature of Suit: Trademark
Disney Enterprises, Inc. et al v. Mouseprint Media, LLC et al
Filed: December 9, 2019 as 6:2019cv02318
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Eric A. Wichhart, Mouseprint Media, LLC, www.myfavoritedisgear.com, www.disgeardesigns.com
Plaintiff: Disney Enterprises, Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. LLC
Nature of Suit: Trademark
Boyman v. Disney Enterprises, Inc. et al
Filed: December 5, 2019 as 2:2019cv10333
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Google Headquarters, Disney Enterprises, Inc.
Plaintiff: Kenneth Boyman
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
Johnson v. Walt Disney Parks & Resorts U.S., Inc.
Filed: November 8, 2019 as 6:2019cv02139
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Parks & Resorts U.S., Inc.
Plaintiff: Patricia A. Johnson
Nature of Suit: Employment
Van Soeren v. Disney Streaming Service
Filed: November 2, 2019 as 1:2019cv10196
Court: New York Southern District Court
Defendant: Disney Streaming Service
Plaintiff: Steven Van Soeren
Nature of Suit: Other Civil Rights
Magee v. The Walt Disney Company
Filed: November 1, 2019 as 1:2019cv10274
Court: New York Southern District Court
Defendant: The Walt Disney Company
Plaintiff: Quincy Magee
Nature of Suit: Other Contract
Wu v. The Walt Disney Company
Filed: October 31, 2019 as 2:2019cv06175
Court: New York Eastern District Court
Defendant: The Walt Disney Company
Plaintiff: Kathy Wu
Nature of Suit: Americans with Disabilities - Other
Wu v. The Walt Disney Company
Filed: October 31, 2019 as 1:2019cv06175
Court: New York Eastern District Court
Defendant: The Walt Disney Company
Plaintiff: Kathy Wu
Nature of Suit: Americans with Disabilities - Other
Kim v. Disney Vacation Club Hawaii Management Company, LLC
Filed: October 24, 2019 as 1:2019cv00579
Court: Hawaii District Court
Defendant: Doe Partnerships 1-5, Doe Corporations 1-5, John Does 1-5, Doe Governmental Agencies 1-5, Disney Vacation Club Hawaii Management Company, LLC, Doe Non-Profit Organizations 1-5, Jane Does 1-5
Plaintiff: Jinny Kim
Nature of Suit: Employment
Disney v. United National Life Insurance Company of America
Filed: October 15, 2019 as 5:2019cv00946
Court: Oklahoma Western District Court
Defendant: United National Life Insurance Company of America
Plaintiff: Ruby J Disney
Nature of Suit: Insurance
Filed: October 10, 2019 as 6:2019cv01945
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: WALT DISNEY PARKS AND RESORTS US INC, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc.
Nature of Suit: Employment