Newton v. Disney Consumer Products, Inc. et al
Filed: November 26, 2019 as 1:2019cv02872
Court: New York Southern District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Company, RockLove Jewelry LLC
Plaintiff: Kerin Newton
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
STIPULATION AND PROTECTIVE ORDER...regarding procedures to be followed that shall govern the handling of confidential material... (Signed by Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn on 11/26/2019) (ras)
Newton v. Disney Consumer Products, Inc. et al
Filed: November 12, 2019 as 1:2019cv02872
Court: New York Southern District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Company, RockLove Jewelry LLC
Plaintiff: Kerin Newton
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
ORDER: On November 7, 2019, the Honorable Victor Marrero referred this case to me for general pretrial matters. ECF No. 39. That same day, Judge Marrerro ordered that the parties address the discovery dispute set forth in ECF No. 40 to me. The part ies are ORDERED to confer in person or by telephone, pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(f), no later than November 15, 2019. No later than December 13, 2019, Defendants are ordered to respond to Plaintiff's interrogatories…
Disney Enterprises, Inc. et al v. VidAngel Inc.
Filed: September 23, 2019 as 2:2016cv04109
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: VidAngel Inc.
Plaintiff: Disney Enterprises, Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd LLC, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Warner Bros Entertainment Inc
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
JUDGMENT by Judge Andre Birotte Jr.: Pursuant Rules 54(b) and 58(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, JUDGMENT is hereby entered in favor of Plaintiffs Disney Enterprises, Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., MVL Film Finance LLC, New Line Productions, Inc., and Turner Entertainment Co. and against VidAngel, Inc., in the amount of $62,448,750.00. (MD JS-6, Case Terminated). (gk)
Jose Valenzuela et al v. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc. et al
Filed: September 19, 2019 as 8:2017cv01988
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Does, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc.
Plaintiff: Erica Cho, Jose Valenzuela
Nature of Suit: Other
MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE RE DISMISSAL FOR LACK OF PROSECUTION by Judge James V. Selna: On May 6, 2019, Counsel filed a Notice of Settlement and Stipulate to Vacate Dates. The Court signed the parties order on May 8, 2019. To date, no further motions or settlement documents have been filed, and the Courtroom Deputy Clerk has emailed counsel numerous times as to the status of this case. The Court ORDERS plaintiff(s), to Show Cause (OSC) in writing no later than…
Disney Enterprises, Inc. et al v. VidAngel Inc.
Filed: September 5, 2019 as 2:2016cv04109
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: VidAngel Inc.
Plaintiff: Disney Enterprises, Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd LLC, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Warner Bros Entertainment Inc
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER GRANTING PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR PERMANENT INJUNCTION by Judge Andre Birotte Jr.: The Court hereby GRANTS Plaintiffs' Motion For A Permanent Injunction 498 and will enter the proposed injunction with minor changes to eliminate inadvertently-included consent judgment language. Plaintiffs must file a proposed Judgment within seven days of the issuance of this order. Court Reporter: N/A. (gk)
Disney Enterprises, Inc. et al v. VidAngel Inc.
Filed: September 5, 2019 as 2:2016cv04109
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: VidAngel Inc.
Plaintiff: Disney Enterprises, Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd LLC, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Warner Bros Entertainment Inc
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
ORDER GRANTING PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR PERMANENT INJUNCTION filed by Judge Andre Birotte Jr.: Upon Plaintiffs' Motion 498 , the Court HEREBY FINDS AND ORDERS that Defendant VidAngel, Inc. and all of its officers, agents, servants, employees , attorneys, and all other persons in active concert or participation with any of them that receive notice of the Permanent Injunction, ARE PERMANENTLY RESTRAINED AND ENJOINED re copyrighted works, etc. The Clerk of this Court shall return…
Horizon Comics Productions Inc v. Marvel Entertainment LLC et al
Filed: July 15, 2019 as 1:2016cv02499
Court: New York Southern District Court
Defendant: Marvel Entertainment, LLC, Marvel Worldwide, Inc., Marvel Studios, LLC, DMG Entertainment LLC, MVL Film Finance, LLC, Paramount Pictures Corp., Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Inc., does 1-10
Plaintiff: Horizon Comics Productions Inc
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
OPINION AND ORDER. For the foregoing reasons, Defendants' motion for summary judgment is GRANTED. The Clerk of Court is directed to close the motion at Docket Number 96 and to close this case. SO ORDERED. re: 96 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Marvel Worldwide, Inc., Marvel Entertainment, LLC, DMG Entertainment LLC, MVL Film Finance, LLC, Marvel Studios, LLC, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. (Signed by Judge J. Paul Oetken on 7/15/2019) (rjm)…
MJJ Productions Inc et al v. The Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: July 9, 2019 as 2:2018cv04761
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: The Walt Disney Company, ABC, Inc., DOES 1 through 10, inclusive
Plaintiff: The Michael Jackson Company, LLC, MJJ Ventures, Inc., Optimum Productions, Inc., New Horizons Trust III, LLC, MJJ Productions Inc
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Steve Kim re Stipulation for Protective Order 37 . (see document for details) (hr)
Disney Enterprises, Inc. et al v. VidAngel Inc.
Filed: June 18, 2019 as 2:2016cv04109
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: VidAngel Inc.
Plaintiff: Disney Enterprises, Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd LLC, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Warner Bros Entertainment Inc
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW signed by Judge Andre Birotte Jr. See document for details. (gk)
Jaime Ciero v. The Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: May 8, 2019 as 2:2017cv08544
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Disney Enterprises, Inc, Disney Music Publishing, Does, Kristen Anderson Lopez, Robert Lopez, Demi Lovato, Idina Menzel, The Walt Disney Company, Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group Inc, Walt Disney Pictures, Wonderland Music Company, Inc
Plaintiff: Jaime Ciero
Nature of Suit: Other
ORDER ON STIPULATION FOR DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE by Judge George H. Wu, re Stipulation to Dismiss Case 65 . Case Terminated. Made JS-6. (mrgo)
Disney Enterprises et al v. VidAngel et al
Filed: March 7, 2019 as 2:2019mc00122
Court: Utah District Court
Defendant: VidAngel
Petitioner: Turner Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Warner Bros Entertainment, MVL Film Finance, Disney Enterprises, Lucasfilm LTD, New Line Productions
Respondent: Dalton Wright, Harmon Brothers, Harmon Ventures, Bill Aho, Paul Ahlstrom
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions
MEMORANDUM DECISION AND ORDER GRANTING PETITIONERS MOTIONS TO COMPEL IN PART. The court orders the following: 2 Motion to Compel is granted in part. The court orders Mr. Wright to produce all documents that are responsive to the s ubpoena issued on January 23, 2019 with one limitation - Mr. Wright need not produce any document that is publicly available "by virtue of VidAngel's SEC filings and disclosures made to the Utah Bankruptcy Court." 11 at 2. Mr. Wrigh t…
Disney Enterprises et al v. VidAngel et al
Filed: March 5, 2019 as 2:2019mc00122
Court: Utah District Court
Defendant: VidAngel
Petitioner: Turner Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Warner Bros Entertainment, MVL Film Finance, Disney Enterprises, Lucasfilm LTD, New Line Productions
Respondent: Dalton Wright, Harmon Brothers, Harmon Ventures, Bill Aho, Paul Ahlstrom
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions
ORDER SETTING HEARING AND REQUIRING PETITIONERS TO FILE REPLY. Petitioners shall file Replies to Respondents' Responses (ECF Nos. 11 12 13 14 ) on or before March 6, 2019. Motion Hearing set for 3/7/2019 at 03:00 PM in Rm 8.100 before Judge Clark Waddoups on four of Petitioner's Motions (ECF Nos. 2 3 4 5 ). Signed by Judge Clark Waddoups on 3/5/2019. (jwt)
Arconic, Inc. et al., v. APC Investment Co., et al.,
Filed: February 4, 2019 as 2:2014cv06456
Court: California Central District Court
3Rd Party Defendant: PMC, Inc., Philip E. Kamins, Silvey & Silvey, Inc., Copp Paving Co., Inc., Colette M. Meyer, Marian F. Rawlins, Donald E. Rawlins, Earl Hiller, Copley West Coast Industrial/Santa Fe Springs Property, L.L.C., D.A. Stuart Company of California, Griffith Company, Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., Kelly Pipe Co., LLC, SE Pipe Line Construction Company, William Roy Allan, Gay D. Allan, Ashland Inc., Water Well Supply, Cascade Pump Company, Geary Five, LLC, Ultramar Inc., Lee Bryant Marston, MARY E. HILER, DEBORAH CORRINNE WELLS
Amicus Curiae: United States of America
Defendant: Lakeland Development Company, APC Investment Co., Associated Plating Company, Associated Plating Company, Inc., Bodycote Thermal Processing, Inc., Burke Street Holdings, LLC, Powerine Oil Company, Cenco Refining Co., Dallas Smith Corp., Continental Heat Treating, Inc., Continental Development Company, LP, Claudette Earl, Earl Mfg. Co., Inc., El Greco Wholesale Grocers, Inc., ExxonMobil Oil Corporation, Ferro Corp., Firmenich, Inc., Foss Plating Company, Inc., Gordon E. McCann, Lynnea R. McCann, Darrell K. Golnick, Clare S. Golnick, Cheryl A. Golnick, Kekropia, Inc., Mission Linen Supply, Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc., William K. Palley, Palley Supply Company, Palmtree Acquisition Corporation, Phibro-Tech, Inc., Pilot Chemical Corp., PMC Specialties Group, Inc.
and others
Intervenor: Federal Insurance Company
Intervenor Defendant: Fireman's Fund Insurance Company
Not Classified By Court: National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA
Plaintiff: Arconic Inc, Alcoa Inc, Alpha Therapeutic Corporation, Applied Micro Circuits Corp., Arlon, LLC, Astro Aluminum Treating Co., Inc., BASF Corporation, Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Cal-Tape & Label Co., California Hydroforming Company, Inc, Cintas Corporation, Columbia Showcase & Cabinet Company, Inc., County of Los Angeles, Crosby & Overton, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., FHL Group, Forenco, Inc., General Dynamics Corporation, Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, Hexcel Corporation, Honeywell International Inc., Ingersoll-Rand Company, International Paper Company, Johns Manville, Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc., Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminals LLC, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Mattel, Inc., Masco Corporation of Indiana, Merck Sharp & Dohme Corporation, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, Pacific Bell Telephone Company
and others
Nature of Suit: Environmental Matters
FINAL JUDGMENT PURSUANT TO FEDERAL RULE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE 54(b) by Judge George H. Wu, Related to: Order on Motion for Entry of Judgment pursuant to Rule 54(b) (Interlocutory Appeal), 818 . Plaintiffs' First and Third Causes of Action for contribution and declaratory relief under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act are hereby DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE and final judgment is hereby entered for the Moving Defendants and Non-Moving…
Netflix Studios, LLC et al v. Dragon Media Inc. et al
Filed: January 29, 2019 as 2:2018cv00230
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Paul Christoforo, Dragon Media Inc., Jeff Williams
Plaintiff: Amazon Content Services, LLC, Columbia Pictures Industries Inc, Disney Enterprises, Inc., Netflix Studios, LLC, Paramount Pictures Corporation, Twentieth Centruy Fox Film Corporation, Universal City Studios Productions LLLP, Warner Bros Entertainment Inc.
Nature of Suit: Other
JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION AGAINST DEFENDANTS DRAGON MEDIA INC., PAUL CHRISTOFORO, AND JEFF WILLIAMS filed by Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald. Judgment shall be entered against Defendants and in favor of Plaintiffs on Plaintiffs claims of copyright infringement, and damages shall be awarded to Plaintiffs in the amount of US $14,500,000. SEE JUDGMENT FOR DETAILS. (MD JS-6. Case Terminated) (iv)
Crook v. Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: January 28, 2019 as 2:2018cv00828
Court: Nevada District Court
Defendant: ESPN, Inc., Burgess L Gardner, Hearst Communications, Inc., Houlihan Film Music, Inc., Laylow Films, Inc., Walt Disney Company
Plaintiff: General Crook
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
ORDER. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, and DECREED that 23 General Crook's motion to extend be, and the same hereby is, DENIED. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the matter of General Crook v. Walt Disney Co., case number 2:18-cv-00828-JCM-CWH, be, and the same hereby is, DISMISSED without prejudice. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 1/28/2019. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ADR)
Johnny Galvan et al v. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. Inc.
Filed: January 11, 2019 as 8:2018cv01721
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Parks & Resorts U.S. Inc., Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. Inc., DOES 1-20
Plaintiff: Johnny Galvan, Stavros Patsalos, Sandy Mumma
Nature of Suit: Other Civil Rights
MINUTES OF Motion Hearing held before Judge Andre Birotte Jr. RE: Plaintiff's Motion for Remand 11 ; Defendant's Motion to Transfer Venue to the Southern Division 14 . The Courtroom Deputy Clerk distributes the Court's tentative rul ings prior to the case being called. The Court having carefully considered the papers and the evidence submitted by the parties, and having heard the oral argument of counsel, hereby takes the motions under submission. Court Reporter: Chia…
Carla Jo Masterson et al v. The Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: January 2, 2019 as 2:2018cv05266
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Michael Arndt, Josh Cooley, Ronnie Del Carmen, Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media, Inc., Disney Enterprises Inc, Disney Interactive Studios Inc, Disney Shopping Inc, Pete Docter, Meg Lefauve, Pixar, The Walt Disney Company
Plaintiff: Carla Jo Masterson
Nature of Suit: Other
(IN CHAMBERS) ORDER DISMISSING CASE FOR LACK OFPROSECUTION (DKT. 9) JS-6 by Judge John A. Kronstadt. There has been no response filed to the Order to Show Cause, nor has a proof of service been filed indicating that the summons and complaint have been served on Defendants or their respective counsel. Therefore, the Court dismisses the matter for lack of prosecution and failure to follow the Courts Order. Made JS-6. (bp)
Netflix Studios, LLC et al v. Dragon Media Inc. et al
Filed: December 7, 2018 as 2:2018cv00230
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Paul Christoforo, Dragon Media Inc., Jeff Williams
Plaintiff: Amazon Content Services, LLC, Columbia Pictures Industries Inc, Disney Enterprises, Inc., Netflix Studios, LLC, Paramount Pictures Corporation, Twentieth Centruy Fox Film Corporation, Universal City Studios Productions LLLP, Warner Bros Entertainment Inc.
Nature of Suit: Other
STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER 40 by Magistrate Judge Alka Sagar. (clee)
Rearden LLC et al v. The Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: December 5, 2018 as 3:2017cv04006
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: The Walt Disney Company, Buena Vista Home Entertainment Inc, Marvel Studios LLC, Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group Inc., Mandeville Films Inc.
Plaintiff: Rearden LLC, MOVA LLC
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
STIPULATION AND ORDER re (122 in 3:17-cv-04006-JST) (88 in 3:17-cv-04192-JST) (88 in 3:17-cv-04191-JST) STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER re Anticipated Summary Judgment Motions. Signed by Judge Jon S. Tigar on December 5, 2018. (wsn, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/5/2018)
Interactive ToyBox, LLC v. The Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: October 24, 2018 as 2:2018cv09136
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Disney Interactive Studios Inc, The Walt Disney Company, Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media Inc.
Plaintiff: Interactive ToyBox, LLC
Nature of Suit: Patent
ORDER GRANTING IN PART 25 Motion to Dismiss or Transfer. The motion is granted insofar as the Court ORDERS that this case be TRANSFERRED to the Central District of California. Signed by Judge Robert Pitman. (td)[Transferred from Texas Western on 10/24/2018.]