A.L. v. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts US, Inc.
Filed: August 17, 2018
State: United States
Court: US Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit
Case Numbers: 16-12647, 17-10143, 17-10144, 17-10148, 17-10149, 17-10150, 17-10151, 17-10152, 17-10153, 17-10154, 17-10193, 17-10194, 17-10195, 17-10196, 17-10198, 17-10199, 17-10200, 17-10202 and 17-10203
Rearden LLC et al v. The Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: June 18, 2018
State: California
Court: California Northern District Court
Case Number: 3:2017cv04006
ORDER GRANTING IN PART AND DENYING IN PART DEFENDANTS' MOTIONS TO DISMISS by Judge Jon S. Tigar granting in part and denying in part 69 Motion to Dismiss. (wsn, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/18/2018)
Loziane O. Moise vs Disney Pop Century Resort, and Walt Disney World etc.
Filed: April 30, 2018
State: Florida
Court: First District Court of Appeal
Case Number: 17-1759
Walt Disney Parks v. Grimes
Filed: April 9, 2018
State: Florida
Court: Fifth District Court of Appeal
Case Number: 5D16-3555
Walt Disney Parks & Resorts U.S., Inc. v. Superior Court
Filed: March 26, 2018
State: California
Court: Court of Appeal
Case Number: B284261
Filed: March 8, 2018
State: United States
Court: US Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Case Number: 16-55888
VidAngel v. Disney Enterprises et al
Filed: March 5, 2018
State: Utah
Court: Utah District Court
Case Number: 2:2018cv00145
MEMORANDUM DECISION denying 4 Motion for Change of Judge. Plaintiff may file its Motion in the lower-numbered case before Judge Nuffer. Signed by Judge Ted Stewart on 3/5/18. (jlw)
Filed: February 27, 2018
State: District of Columbia
Court: District Of Columbia District Court
Case Number: 1:2017cv02842
MEMORANDUM OPINION. Signed by Judge Trevor N. McFadden on 2/26/18. (zsth)
Rearden LLC et al v. The Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: February 21, 2018
State: California
Court: California Northern District Court
Case Number: 3:2017cv04006
ORDER GRANTING IN PART AND DENYING IN PART DEFENDANTS' MOTIONS TO DISMISS by Judge Jon S. Tigar granting in part and denying in part (36) Motion to Dismiss in case 3:17-cv-04006-JST; granting in part and denying in part (17) Motion to Dismiss in case 3:17-cv-04191-JST; granting in part and denying in part (17) Motion to Dismiss in case 3:17-cv-04192-JST. (wsn, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/21/2018)
Michael Barth v. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Filed: September 8, 2017
State: United States
Court: US Court of Appeals, Third Circuit
Case Number: 16-3593
Filed: August 24, 2017
State: United States
Court: US Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Case Number: 16-56843
Preliminary Injunction / Copyright. The panel affirmed the district court’s preliminary injunction against the defendant in an action under the Copyright Act and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Defendant VidAngel, Inc., operated an online streaming service that removed objectionable content from movies and television shows. VidAngel purchased physical discs containing copyrighted movies and television shows, decrypted the discs to “rip” a digital copy to a…
Diece-Lisa Industries, Inc. v. Disney Enterprises, Inc. dba Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures et al
Filed: July 10, 2017
State: Texas
Court: Texas Eastern District Court
Case Number: 2:2012cv00400
MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER Overruling Plaintiffs Objections and Adopting the Magistrate Judges Memorandum Order (Docket No. 206). Signed by Judge Robert W. Schroeder, III on 7/10/2017. (sm, )
State of Washington v. Marshall Disney
Filed: June 27, 2017
State: Washington
Court: Court of Appeals Division III
Case Number: 34969-1
Sabrina Renee Brown v. The Walt Disney Studios
Filed: May 30, 2017
State: United States
Court: US Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit
Case Number: 17-1313
Disney Enterprises, Inc. v. Finanz St. Honore, B.V.
Filed: May 8, 2017
State: New York
Court: New York Eastern District Court
Case Number: 1:2013cv06338
OPINION & ORDER. Disney's motion to attach Finanz's assets is granted in the amount of $700,000 subject to Disney providing a $3,500 undertaking. As stated in detail in the Attachment Order, all persons and entities who receive notice of the Attachment Order, including Dana, IMG, and Patriarch, are enjoined and restrained from transferring any property in which Finanz has an interest, including the identified trademarks and any associated royalties. Ordered by Judge…
Filed: May 2, 2017
State: United States
Court: US Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Case Number: 15-56726
Wind Dancer Prod. Grp. v. Walt Disney Pictures
Filed: March 24, 2017
State: California
Court: Court of Appeal
Case Number: B262426
Johnny Galvan v. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc. et al
Filed: March 17, 2017
State: California
Court: California Central District Court
Case Number: 2:2017cv00323
MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) Order Granting Plaintiffs' Motion for Remand by Judge Andre Birotte Jr.: The Court finds Defendant has not established by a preponderance of the evidence that the amount in controversy in this case exceeds $75,000. Accordingly, the Court GRANTS Plaintiffs' Motion to Remand 15 . Case Remanded to Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. BC642901. ( MD JS-6. Case Terminated. ) Court Reporter: N/A. (gk)
Filed: February 21, 2017
State: Michigan
Court: Court of Appeals Unpublished
Case Number: 329655
Tobin v. Disney Long-Term Disability Plan et al
Filed: February 8, 2017
State: Michigan
Court: Michigan Western District Court
Case Number: 1:2014cv00187
OPINION AND ORDER reversing the denial of disability benefits; signed by District Judge Paul L. Maloney (Judge Paul L. Maloney, cmc)