Protocol for network having a plurality of intelligent cells
Granted: May 21, 1991
Patent Number:
A network for sensing, communicating and controlling where a plurality of cells communicate with one another through packets. When a cell receives a packet, it determines the baud rate of the received packet and stores this rate. In replying to the packet a cell uses a backoff algorithm to determine how many slots it must wait before replying. The duration of these slots is determined based upon the stored baud rate.
Transceiver employing direct sequence spread spectrum techniques
Granted: December 18, 1990
Patent Number:
A transceiver for transmitting and receiving digital data is disclosed. The transceiver employs direct sequence spread spectrum communications techniques for reducing interference among multiple users in a communications network environment. Each transceiver has a transmitter for locking a digital bit stream to a predetermined spread spectrum chip sequence and carrier signal. Frequency of the carrier signal and the chip sequence. Both the carrier signal, the chip sequence and the bit…
Protocol for network having a plurality of intelligent cells
Granted: November 6, 1990
Patent Number:
A network for sensing, controlling and communicating information. The network comprises a plurality of cells including a first cell for sending a packet of information, a second cell for receiving the packet of information and a plurality of repeater cells for repeating the packet prior to its arrival at the second cell. A method is described including the steps of generating a random number and including the random number in the packet; performing a calculation by the repeater cells of…
Network and intelligent cell for providing sensing, bidirectional communications and control
Granted: November 6, 1990
Patent Number:
A network for sensing, communicating and controlling employing a plurality of cells which communicate through packets. First cells are assigned an announcer function, others a listener function with at least one announcer or listener cell also performing the function of repeating at least some of the packets. The cells are organized into groups, each group being assigned a group function. Group identification numbers are included in the packets to allow the cells for a particular group…
Protocol for network having plurality of intelligent cells
Granted: September 4, 1990
Patent Number:
A network for sensing, communicating and controlling where a plurality of cells communicate in the network through packets. A first cell transmits a sequence number and a retransmit flag with the messages. The messages are acknowledged by a second cell if the sequence number is different that the previously received sequence number. If the sequence number is the same, the second cell acknowledges the message only if the retransmit flag indicates the message is being retransmitted by the…
Protocol for network having a plurality of intelligent cells
Granted: August 7, 1990
Patent Number:
A network for sensing, communicating and controlling, which uses packets to communicate between a plurality of cells. Cells in a system are given a system identification number (e.g., a 48 bit number). One part of the system identification number (e.g., 32 bits) is transmitted with a packet. The remaining part of this system identification number (e.g., 16 bits) is included in the computation of a cyclic redundancy code (CRC). A receiving cell is able to verify that a packet is intended…
Protocol for network having a plurality of intelligent cells
Granted: July 10, 1990
Patent Number:
A network for sensing, communicating and controlling having a plurality of cells which communicate with packets. A packet requesting acknowledgements is transmitted to a plurality of destination cells. The transmitting cell listens for acknowledgements from the destination cells. The transmitting cell waits a predetermined period of time to receive the acknowledgements and then infers that a collision has occurred if a reply is not received from any of the destination cells. Different…
Network and intelligent cell for providing sensing bidirectional communications and control
Granted: July 3, 1990
Patent Number:
A cell for a network which provides for sensing of conditions, communicating messages and controlling objects through messages encoded into segments of six bit codes each containing 3 binary ones and 3 binary zeros. The messages begin with one predetermined code which provides bit synchronization followed by a second predetermined code which provides byte synchronization.
Network and intelligent cell for providing sensing, bidirectional communications and control
Granted: April 17, 1990
Patent Number:
A network for sensing, communcating and controlling including a plurality of cells. Each cell is identified by a permanent, unique identification number. Groups of cells are programmed to perform group functions and are assigned group identification numbers. Communication is performed via a medium using the cell identification numbers and group identification numbers.