Florentino Garza d/b/a Tino's Auto Mart v. Ford Motor CompanyAppeal from 79th Judicial District Court of Jim Wells County
Filed: November 6, 2013
State: Texas
Court: Fourth Court of Appeals
Case Number: 04-12-00734-CV
Filed: November 1, 2013
State: Kentucky
Court: Court of Appeals
Case Number: 2013-CA-000160-WC
Ford Motor Co. v. Keatts
Filed: October 9, 2013
State: Arkansas
Court: Court of Appeals
Citation: 2013 Ark. App. 575
Case Number: CV-12-988
Filed: October 4, 2013
State: Kentucky
Court: Court of Appeals
Case Number: 2011-CA-002128-WC
Aundrey Meals, ex rel. William Meals v. Ford Motor Company
Filed: August 30, 2013
State: Tennessee
Court: Workers Compensation
Case Number: W2010-01493-SC-R11-CV
A six-year-old boy s spine was fractured in a car wreck when the force of the impact caused him to jackknife over his lap seatbelt and pushed the seatbelt into his stomach and against his spine. The child s mother filed suit on his behalf against Ford Motor Company ( Ford ), alleging that the defective design of the seatbelt and Ford s failure to warn of a potential danger caused the child s permanent paralysis and other enhanced injuries. A jury returned a $43.8 million verdict for…
Aundrey Meals, ex rel. William Meals v. Ford Motor Company
Filed: August 30, 2013
State: Tennessee
Court: Supreme Court
Case Number: W2010-01493-SC-R11-CV
A mother sued Ford Motor Company on behalf of her six-year-old son, whose spine was fractured in a car wreck, alleging that the defective design of the seatbelt in the vehicle caused her son's permanent paralysis and other injuries. The jury returned a $43.8 million verdict for compensatory damages. Ford's share of the verdict, based on its degree of fault, was $6,570,000. Ford filed a motion for a new trial, arguing that the verdict was excessive. The trial court denied the motion. The…
In Re: Asbestos Litigation. Farrall v. Ford Motor Co., et al.
Filed: August 19, 2013
State: Delaware
Court: Superior Court
Case Number: 11C-05-257 ASB
IN RE FORD MOTOR COMPANY--Appeal from County Court at Law No 1 of Nueces County
Filed: August 13, 2013
State: Texas
Court: Thirteenth Court of Appeals
Case Number: 13-13-00277-CV
Robert Beaver v. Ford Motor Company
Filed: July 31, 2013
State: Tennessee
Court: Court of Appeals
Case Number: M2012-02088-COA-R3-CV
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Alan E. Highers
Dixon v. Ford Motor Co.
Filed: July 25, 2013
State: Maryland
Court: Court of Appeals
Case Number: 82/12
Joan Dixon died from mesothelioma caused by exposure to asbestos. Joan's husband, Bernard, handled asbestos in brake products while working for Ford Motor Company. The Dixons also used a compound manufactured by Georgia-Pacific Corp. in building their home and an adjacent structure that possibly contained asbestos. Bernard, Joan's estate, and the couple's children pursued legal action against Ford and Georgia-Pacific, claiming negligence for failing to warn Joan of the dangerous nature…
Donlen v. Ford Motor Co.
Filed: July 8, 2013
State: California
Court: Court of Appeal
Case Number: C065722M
Donlen v. Ford Motor Co.
Filed: June 14, 2013
State: California
Court: Court of Appeal
Case Number: C065722
The Estate of Carolina M. Muniz, Michael Muniz, Sr., Gloria Gutierrez, Jose Muniz, Jr., Gabriel Muniz, and Coleen Muniz v. Ford Motor Company, et alAppeal from 38th Judicial District Court of Medina County
Filed: June 12, 2013
State: Texas
Court: Fourth Court of Appeals
Case Number: 04-12-00263-CV
Sinhue Templos v. Ford Motor CompanyAppeal from 333rd District Court of Harris County
Filed: June 11, 2013
State: Texas
Court: First Court of Appeals
Case Number: 01-12-00636-CV
Filed: June 6, 2013
State: Michigan
Court: Court of Appeals Unpublished
Case Number: 306231
State ex rel. Ford Motor Co. v. Indus. Comm.
Filed: June 4, 2013
State: Ohio
Court: Tenth District Court of Appeals
Citation: 2013-Ohio-2310
Case Number: 12AP-659
Rodriguez v Ford Motor Co.
Filed: May 16, 2013
State: New York
Court: Appellate Division, First Department
Citation: 2013 NY Slip Op 03556
Case Number: 15703/99 10079
Filed: May 16, 2013
State: Michigan
Court: Court of Appeals Unpublished
Case Number: 309111
Khani v. Ford Motor Company
Filed: April 25, 2013
State: California
Court: Court of Appeal
Case Number: B239611
Webber v. Ford Motor Co.
Filed: April 16, 2013
State: Pennsylvania
Court: Superior Court
Case Number: 1960 EDA 2012