Pandora Media Federal Litigation Filings

Yuncker v. Pandora Media, Inc.

Filed: June 23, 2011 as 3:2011cv03113
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: Pandora Media, Inc.
Plaintiff: Troy Yuncker
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions

Yuncker v. Pandora Media, Inc.

Filed: June 23, 2011 as CAN/4:11-cv-031
Court: Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation

Yuncker v. Pandora Media, Inc.

Filed: June 23, 2011 as 4:2011cv03113
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: Pandora Media, Inc.
Plaintiff: Troy Yuncker
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions

Burke et al v. Apple, Inc. et al This is a Justia Dockets featured case

Filed: June 1, 2011 as 2:2011cv01855
Court: Alabama Northern District Court
Defendant: Apple, Inc., Pandora Media, Inc.
Plaintiff: Hillary Burke, Tommy Yarbrough
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions

Pessano et al v. Google, Inc. This is a Justia Dockets featured case

Filed: May 10, 2011 as 8:2011cv01026
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Admob, Inc., Google, Inc., Pandora Media, Inc., Traffic Marketplace, Inc.
Plaintiff: Jon Pessano, Nicholas Lawrence, Sid Lajzer
Nature of Suit: Other Contract

Rivera-Diaz v. APPLE, Inc. et al

Filed: May 10, 2011 as 3:2011cv01433
Court: Puerto Rico District Court
Defendant: APPLE, Inc., PANDORA MEDIA, INC., The Weather Channel, Inc.
Plaintiff: Lymaris M. Rivera-Diaz
Nature of Suit: Other Personal Property Damage

Augme Technologies Inc. v. Pandora Media Inc. We have opinions for this case

Filed: April 29, 2011 as 1:2011cv00379
Court: Delaware District Court
Defendant: Pandora Media Inc.
Plaintiff: Augme Technologies Inc.
Nature of Suit: Patent

Ammer v. Apple, Inc. et al This is a Justia Dockets featured case

Filed: April 27, 2011 as 7:2011cv02841
Court: New York Southern District Court
Defendant: Apple, Inc., Backflip Studios, Inc., Pandora Media, Inc.
Plaintiff: Jarret Ammer
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions

Burke et al v. Apple Inc et al This is a Justia Dockets featured case

Filed: April 22, 2011 as 2:2011cv01376
Court: Alabama Northern District Court
Defendant: Apple Inc, Pandora Media Inc
Plaintiff: Marcia Burke, William C Burke, III
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions

Kevin Burwick et al v. Apple, Inc. et al This is a Justia Dockets featured case

Filed: April 22, 2011 as 2:2011cv03450
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Apple, Inc., Does, Pandora Media, Inc.
Plaintiff: Heather Kimbrel, Kevin Burwick
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions

Acosta et al v. Apple, Inc et al

Filed: April 7, 2011 as 3:2011cv01326
Court: Puerto Rico District Court
Defendant: Apple, Inc, Backflip Studios, Inc.,, LLC, GOGII, Inc, Outfit7, LTD., Pandora Media, Inc., Room Candy, Inc., Sunstorm Interactive, Inc., The Weather Channel, Inc..
Plaintiff: Dolma Acevedo-Crespo, Natasha Acosta
Nature of Suit: Other Civil Rights

Rodimer et al v. Apple, Inc. et al This is a Justia Dockets featured case

Filed: February 15, 2011 as 5:2011cv00700
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: Apple, Inc., Flurry, Inc., Groupon, Inc., IAC/InterActiveCorp., Medialets, Inc., New York Times Co., NPR, Pandora Media, Inc., Pinch Media, Inc., Quattro Wireless, Inc., Webmd Health Services Group, Inc., Yelp!, Inc.
Plaintiff: Aaron Mulvey, Anna M. Ruston, Anthony Chiu, Arfat Adil, Barbara Davis, Daniel Rodimer, Diego Lopez, Emili Clar, Gena Terry, Jerod Couch, Matt Hines
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions

Freeman et al v. Apple, Inc et al

Filed: December 23, 2010 as 5:2010cv05881
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: Apple, Inc, BackFlip Studios, Inc, Dictionary.Com, LLC, GogII, Inc, OUTFIT7, Ltd, Pandora Media, Inc, Room Candy, Inc, Sunstorm Interactive, Inc, The Weather Channel
Plaintiff: Anthony Chiu, Cole Parr, Dustin Freeman, Jared Parsley, Precious Arrington
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions


Filed: May 29, 2009 as 09-1392
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit
Defendant-Appellee: J. River, Inc.

Zamora Radio, LLC v., Ltd. et al

Filed: April 9, 2009 as 1:2009cv20940
Court: Florida Southern District Court
Defendant: Accuradio, LLC, AOL, LLC, CBS Corp., Cbs Radio, Inc., DKCM, Inc.,, Ltd., Pandora Media, Inc., Realnetworks, Inc., Rhapsody America LLC, Slacker, Inc., Soundpedia, Inc., Yahoo! Inc.
Plaintiff: Zamora Radio, LLC
Nature of Suit: Securities/Commodities/Exchanges

Quito Enterprises, LLC v. Netflix, Inc. et al This is a Justia Dockets featured case

Filed: December 26, 2008 as 1:2008cv23543
Court: Florida Southern District Court
Defendant:, Inc., CBS Corp., Hulu, LLC,, Ltd., NBC Universal, Inc., Netflix, Inc., News Corp., Pandora Media, Inc., Realnetworks, Inc., Slacker, Inc., Strands, Inc., Veoh Networks, Inc., Yahoo!, Inc.
Plaintiff: Quito Enterprises, LLC
Nature of Suit: Patent

Moaec, Inc. v. Musicip Corporation et al

Filed: November 16, 2007 as 3:2007cv00654
Court: Wisconsin Western District Court
Defendant: All Media Guide, L.L.C., Imation Enterprises Corporation, J. River Inc., Musicip Corporation, Napster, L.L.C., National Radio Holdings, L.L.C., Pandora Media, Inc.
Plaintiff: Moaec, Inc.
Nature of Suit: Patent