Kalimantano GmbH et al v. Hirsch et al
Filed: January 25, 2013 as 1:2013cv00560
Court: New York Southern District Court
Defendant: Daniel Hirsch, Does, GMT Distribution, Inc., MMI Distribution, Inc., Twitter, Inc., WATCHNETWORK.COM
Plaintiff: Kalimantano GmbH, Konstantin Felde, Tofik Davidoff
Nature of Suit: Other Contract
PeopleBrowsr, Inc. et al v. Twitter, Inc.
Filed: December 5, 2012 as 4:2012cv06120
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: Twitter, Inc.
Plaintiff: PeopleBrowsr Pty., Ltd., PeopleBrowsr, Inc.
Nature of Suit: Antitrust
Evolutionary Intelligence, LLC v. Twitter, Inc.
Filed: October 17, 2012 as 6:2012cv00792
Court: Texas Eastern District Court
Defendant: Twitter, Inc.
Plaintiff: Evolutionary Intelligence, LLC
Nature of Suit: Patent
B.E. Technology, L.L.C. v. Twitter, Inc.
Filed: September 10, 2012 as 2:2012cv02783
Court: Tennessee Western District Court
Defendant: Twitter, Inc.
Plaintiff: B.E. Technology, L.L.C.
Nature of Suit: Patent
Boffoli v. Twitter, Inc.
Filed: September 10, 2012 as 2:2012cv01534
Court: Washington Western District Court
Defendant: Twitter, Inc.
Plaintiff: Christopher Boffoli
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
Unified Messaging Solutions LLC v. Google Inc et al
Filed: September 7, 2012 as 1:2012cv06292
Court: Illinois Northern District Court
Counter Claimant: AOL Inc., AT&T Mobility LLC, AT&T Services, Inc., Conn Appliances, Inc., Conn's Inc., eBay, Inc., Google Inc, SBC Internet Services, Inc., d/b/a AT&T Internet Services, Time Warner Cable Inc.,, Twitter, Inc., Yahoo! Inc.
Counter Defendant: AT&T Mobility LLC, AT&T Services, Inc., SBC Internet Services, Inc., d/b/a AT&T Internet Services, Unified Messaging Solutions LLC
Defendant: AOL Inc., AT&T Mobility LLC, AT&T Services, Inc., Citibank, N.A., Citigroup Inc., Conn Appliances, Inc., Conn's Inc., Ebay, Inc., Google Inc, SBC Internet Services, Inc., d/b/a AT&T Internet Services, Time Warner Cable Inc.,, Twitter, Inc., Yahoo! Inc.
Mediator: James Knowles
Plaintiff: Unified Messaging Solutions LLC
Nature of Suit: Patent
TQP Development, LLC v. Twitter, Inc.
Filed: August 23, 2012 as 2:2012cv00503
Court: Texas Eastern District Court
Defendant: Twitter, Inc.
Plaintiff: TQP Development, LLC
Nature of Suit: Patent
In Re: Unified Messaging Solutions LLC Patent Litigation
Filed: August 3, 2012 as 1:2012cv06286
Court: Illinois Northern District Court
Defendant: The Vanguard Group, Inc., The Vanguard Marketing Corporation, Yahoo! Inc., Twitter, Inc., eBay, Inc., Verizon Data Services LLC, Comcast Cable Communication LLC, Intuit, Inc., VMWare, Inc., Homestead Technologies Inc.
In Re: Unified Messaging Solutions LLC Patent Litigation
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions
Software Rights Archives, LLC v. Twitter, Inc.
Filed: July 27, 2012 as 4:2012cv03972
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: Twitter, Inc.
Plaintiff: Software Rights Archives, LLC
Nature of Suit: Patent
Qureshi v. Twitter, Inc.
Filed: July 19, 2012 as 3:2012mc80172
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: Twitter, Inc.
Plaintiff: Rick Qureshi
Sprint Spectrum L.P. et al v. Twitter, Inc.
Filed: July 6, 2012 as 3:2012mc80159
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: Twitter, Inc.
Plaintiff: Sprint Communications Company L.P., Sprint Spectrum L.P.
Kamal Roy v. USA, et al
Filed: May 21, 2012 as 12-2209
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
Plaintiff - Appellant: KAMAL K. ROY
Nature of Suit: Other Civil Rights
Twitter, Inc. v. Skootle Corp. et al
Filed: April 5, 2012 as 3:2012cv01721
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: Garland E. Harris, James Kester, James Lucero, Jayson Yanuaria, JL4 Web Solutions, Justin Clark, Skootle Corp.
Plaintiff: Twitter, Inc.
Nature of Suit: Other Contract
Opperman et al v. Path, Inc. et al
Filed: March 12, 2012 as 1:2012cv00219
Court: Texas Western District Court
Defendant: Apple, Inc., Beluga, Inc., Burbn, Inc., Chillingo Ltd., Electronic Arts, Inc., Facebook, Inc., Foodspotting, Inc., Foursquare Labs, Inc., Gowalla Incorporated, Hipster, Inc., Instagram, Inc., Kik Interactive, Inc., LinkedIn Corporation, Path, Inc., Rovio Mobile Oy, Twitter, Inc., Yelp! Inc., ZeptoLab UK Limited
Plaintiff: Alan Beueshasen, Alicia Medlock, Claire Moses, Gentry Hoffman, Greg Varner, Guili Biondi, Jason Green, Judy Long, Marc Opperman, Nirali Mandaywala, Rachelle King, Scott Medlock, Steve Dean
Nature of Suit: Other Personal Property Damage
Roy v. Facebook et al
Filed: January 26, 2012 as 1:2012cv00618
Court: Illinois Northern District Court
Defendant: B. H. Obama, Facebook, IRS, Mary Zypinski, Michelle Obama, NYS Attorney General, NYS Education Dept, Twitter, U.S. Attorney General, U.S.A. Govt, Washington
Plaintiff: Kamal K Roy
Nature of Suit: Other Civil Rights
In re: 2703(d) Application
Filed: December 7, 2011 as 11-5151
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit
Plaintiff - Appellee: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
The account identified as @joyfulnfearless maintained by Twitter, Inc., located at 795 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA
Filed: October 26, 2011 as 2:2011mj02530
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: The account identified as @joyfulnfearless maintained by Twitter, Inc., located at 795 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA (1)
Plaintiff: USA
The Account Identified as @juliannehough maintained by Twitter, Inc., located at 795 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, California
Filed: October 26, 2011 as 2:2011mj02526
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: The Account Identified as @juliannehough maintained by Twitter, Inc., located at 795 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, California (1)
Plaintiff: USA
USA v. The account identified as @joyfulnfearless maintained by Twitter, Inc., located at 795 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA
Filed: October 26, 2011 as 2:2011mj02530
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: The account identified as @joyfulnfearless maintained by Twitter, Inc., located at 795 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA (1)
Plaintiff: USA
USA v. The Account Identified as @juliannehough maintained by Twitter, Inc., located at 795 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, California
Filed: October 26, 2011 as 2:2011mj02526
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: The Account Identified as @juliannehough maintained by Twitter, Inc., located at 795 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, California (1)
Plaintiff: USA