Disney Federal Litigation Filings

Plaintiff v. Defendant

Filed: May 6, 2019 as 1:2019cv04048
Court: New York Southern District Court
Defendant: Plaintiff v. Defendant
Plaintiff: Plaintiff v. Defendant
Nature of Suit: Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974

LaCombe et al v. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc. et al

Filed: May 2, 2019 as 6:2019cv00835
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Travel Co., Inc., Walt Disney Company, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. Inc.
Intervenor Plaintiff: Wall, Bullington & Cook, LLC
Plaintiff: C.L., Robert LaCombe, Ashley LaCombe
Nature of Suit: Other Personal Injury

Jessica Domain v. The Walt Disney Company et al

Filed: April 18, 2019 as 2:2019cv02987
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: John Loeffler, ABC Cable Networks Group, The Walt Disney Company, The Pokemon Company International, Inc., BMG Rights Management US LLC, Does 1 through 100, inclusive, Fieldhouse Music, LLC
Plaintiff: Jessica Domain
Nature of Suit: Copyrights

Hoff et al v. Walt Disney Pictures et al

Filed: April 12, 2019 as 5:2019cv00665
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Buena Vista Books, Inc., Walt Disney Pictures, Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media, Inc., ABC, Inc., DOES 1 through 10, inclusive,, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Inc., Disney Consumer Products, Inc., Disney Interactive Studios, Inc.
Plaintiff: Furrywood Studios, LLC, Brian Neil Hoff
Nature of Suit: Copyrights

Newton v. The Walt Disney Company et al

Filed: March 31, 2019 as 1:2019cv02872
Court: New York Southern District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Company, RockLove Jewelry LLC
Plaintiff: Kerin Newton
Nature of Suit: Copyrights

Disney v. Janssen Research & Development LLC f/k/a Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development LLC et al

Filed: March 26, 2019 as 2:2019cv03443
Court: Louisiana Eastern District Court
Defendant: Johnson & Johnson Company, Bayer HealthCare LLC, JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. f/k/a JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA INC. f/k/a ORTHO-MCNEIL-JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., Janssen Research & Development LLC f/k/a Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development LLC, Bayer AG, Bayer HealthCare AG, Bayer Corporation, Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc., JANSSEN ORTHO LLC
Plaintiff: Jerry Disney
Nature of Suit: Personal Injury: Health Care

Guzman Lopez et al v. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. Inc.

Filed: March 20, 2019 as 6:2019cv00542
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. Inc.
Plaintiff: Mary Ramirez, Jose Guzman Lopez
Nature of Suit: Other Personal Injury

Disney Enterprises et al v. VidAngel et al We have opinions for this case

Filed: February 22, 2019 as 2:2019mc00122
Court: Utah District Court
Defendant: VidAngel
Petitioner: Turner Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Warner Bros Entertainment, MVL Film Finance, Disney Enterprises, Lucasfilm LTD, New Line Productions
Respondent: Dalton Wright, Harmon Brothers, Harmon Ventures, Bill Aho, Paul Ahlstrom
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions

VRtoysone, LLC v. The Walt Disney Company

Filed: January 31, 2019 as 2:2019cv00742
Court: California Central District Court
Petitioner: VRtoysone, LLC
Respondent: The Walt Disney Company
Nature of Suit: Patent

Neversink Productions Corporation et al v. Walt Disney Pictures

Filed: January 11, 2019 as 2:2019cv00266
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Pictures, Does 1-100
Plaintiff: Neversink Productions Corporation
Nature of Suit: Other Contract

Brito v. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc. et al

Filed: December 26, 2018 as 6:2018cv02208
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc., Insite Lake Buena Vista, LLC
Plaintiff: Carlos Brito
Nature of Suit: Americans with Disabilities - Other

Antony v. Disney Enterprises, Inc.

Filed: December 17, 2018 as 2:2018cv00205
Court: Kentucky Eastern District Court
Defendant: Disney Enterprises, Inc.
Plaintiff: John Antony
Nature of Suit: Copyrights

Fuenzalida v. Magical Cruise Company, Limited d/b/a Disney Cruise Line

Filed: December 14, 2018 as 6:2018cv02142
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Magical Cruise Company, Limited d/b/a Disney Cruise Line, Magical Cruise Company, Limited
Plaintiff: Victor Fuenzalida
Nature of Suit: Marine

Kenneth Boyman v. Disney Enterprises Inc. et al

Filed: December 7, 2018 as 2:2018cv10198
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Disney Enterprises Inc., Google
Plaintiff: Kenneth Boyman
Nature of Suit: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations

VRtoysone, LLC v. The Walt Disney Company

Filed: November 12, 2018 as 3:2018cv02590
Court: California Southern District Court
Defendant: The Walt Disney Company
Plaintiff: VRtoysone, LLC
Nature of Suit: Patent

MCHUGH v. Magical Cruise Company, Limited d/b/a Disney Cruise Line

Filed: November 7, 2018 as 6:2018cv01913
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Magical Cruise Company, Limited d/b/a Disney Cruise Line, Magical Cruise Company, LTD.
Nature of Suit: Other Civil Rights

Interactive ToyBox, LLC v. The Walt Disney Company et al We have opinions for this case

Filed: October 24, 2018 as 2:2018cv09136
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Disney Interactive Studios Inc, The Walt Disney Company, Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media Inc.
Plaintiff: Interactive ToyBox, LLC
Nature of Suit: Patent

Interactive ToyBox, LLC v. Disney Store USA, LLC et al

Filed: September 27, 2018 as 1:2018cv00819
Court: Texas Western District Court
Counter Plaintiff: Disney Store USA, LLC
Defendant: GameStop Corp., Panic Button, LLC
Plaintiff: Interactive ToyBox, LLC
Nature of Suit: Patent

Galvan et al v. Walt Disney Parks & Resorts U.S. Inc. We have opinions for this case

Filed: September 21, 2018 as 8:2018cv01721
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Parks & Resorts U.S. Inc., Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. Inc., DOES 1-20
Plaintiff: Johnny Galvan, Stavros Patsalos, Sandy Mumma
Nature of Suit: Other Civil Rights

Johnny Galvan et al v. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. Inc.

Filed: September 21, 2018 as 2:2018cv08277
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. Inc., DOES 1-20
Plaintiff: Johnny Galvan, Stavros Patsalos, Sandy Mumma
Nature of Suit: Other Civil Rights