Arthur Lee Alfred et al v. Walt Disney Company, The et al
Filed: September 18, 2018 as 2:2018cv08074
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Buena Vista Catalogue Co., Walt Disney Theatrical Recordings, Buena Vista Home Entertainment Inc, Buena Vista Theaters, Inc., Disney Interactive Studios Inc, Buena Vista Books Inc, Walt Disney Attractions Technology, LLC, Buena Vista Video On Demand, Disney Consumer Productions and Interactive Media, Inc., Disney Enterprises Inc, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide, Disney Consumer Productions, Inc., The Walt Disney Compnay, Buena Vista Productions, Disney Book Group, LLC, Disney Store USA, LLC, Buena Vista Media, Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group Inc, Buena Vista Non- Theatrical, Inc, ABC Inc, Buena Vista Theatrical Group, LTD
Plaintiff: Tova Laiter, Ezequiel Martinez, Jr, Arthur Lee Alfred, II
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
Lewis v. Walt Disney Parks & Resorts U.S., Inc. et al
Filed: September 14, 2018 as 1:2018cv11947
Court: Massachusetts District Court
Defendant: American Automobile Insurance, Walt Disney Parks & Resorts U.S., Inc.
Plaintiff: Suzanne Lewis
Nature of Suit: Other Personal Injury
Disney v. Berryhill
Filed: August 30, 2018 as 2:2018cv01648
Court: Nevada District Court
Defendant: Nancy A. Berryhill
Plaintiff: Christopher Allen Disney
Nature of Suit: Disability Insurance
Vindolor, LLC v. Disney Store USA, LLC
Filed: August 25, 2018 as 2:2018cv00375
Court: Texas Eastern District Court
Defendant: Disney Store USA, LLC
Plaintiff: Vindolor, LLC
Nature of Suit: Patent
Plaintiff v. Defendant
Filed: August 24, 2018 as 3:2018cv01441
Court: Connecticut District Court
Defendant: Plaintiff v. Defendant
Plaintiff: Plaintiff v. Defendant
Nature of Suit: Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
LaCombe et al v. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc. et al
Filed: August 14, 2018 as 2:2018cv07689
Court: Louisiana Eastern District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc., Walt Disney Travel Co., Inc., Walt Disney Company
Intervenor Plaintiff: Wall, Bullington & Cook, LLC
Plaintiff: Carter LaCombe, Robert LaCombe, Ashley LaCombe
Nature of Suit: Other Personal Injury
Almon v. New York Times et al
Filed: August 13, 2018 as 3:2018cv00092
Court: Georgia Northern District Court
Defendant: NY Daily News, The Hill, The Walt Disney Company, NY Mag,, Elura Nanos, Matt Apuzzo, Bustle, Yahoo Inc., CBS News, Courthouse News, The Washington Post, Rebecca Shabad, The Week, Politico, Carol D. Leonnig, The Huffington Post,,, Market Watch, Michael S. Schmidt, The Daily Dot, ABC News, Bill Morlin, The Daily Beast, Daily Mail, Raw Story,, CNN, New York Times, Sophie Tatum, The ABA Journal
and others
Plaintiff: Jerome Almon
Nature of Suit: Assault, Libel, and Slander
Disney v. C R Bard Incorporated et al
Filed: August 1, 2018 as 2:2018cv02428
Court: Arizona District Court
Defendant: C R Bard Incorporated, Bard Peripheral Vascular Incorporated
Plaintiff: Michael Disney
Nature of Suit: Personal Injury- Product Liability
Loewe v. Frazier et al
Filed: July 30, 2018 as 6:2018cv01426
Court: Oregon District Court
Defendant: Summer Redstone, Ruppert Murdock, Brenden Frazier, Abagail Disney, Brian Roberts
Plaintiff: Richard Brian Loewe
Nature of Suit: Civil Rights
Armstead v. Disney Enterprises
Filed: July 20, 2018 as 6:2018cv01175
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Disney Enterprises
Plaintiff: Brenda C. Armstead
Nature of Suit: Other Civil Rights
Grill v. Walt Disney Park and Resorts US, Inc.
Filed: July 18, 2018 as 6:2018cv01159
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: Walt Disney Park and Resorts US, Inc.
Plaintiff: Susan J. Grill
Nature of Suit: Housing/Accommodations
Rosato v. The Walt Disney Company
Filed: July 13, 2018 as 1:2018cv06388
Court: New York Southern District Court
Defendant: The Walt Disney Company
Plaintiff: Denise Rosato
Nature of Suit: Other Civil Rights
Carla Jo Masterson v. The Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: July 9, 2018 as 2:2018cv05966
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media Inc., The Walt Disney Company, Michael Arndt, Ronnie Del Carmen, Disney Enterprises Inc, Disney Interactive Studios Inc, Meg Lefauve, Disney Shopping Inc, Pixar, Pete Docter, JOSH COOLEY
Plaintiff: Carla Jo Masterson
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
Filed: July 3, 2018 as 2:2018cv11336
Court: New Jersey District Court
Nature of Suit: Personal Injury- Product Liability
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. The Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: June 27, 2018 as 1:2018cv05800
Court: New York Southern District Court
Defendant: The Walt Disney Company, Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
Plaintiff: United States of America
Nature of Suit: Antitrust
Pourshian v. The Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: June 18, 2018 as 3:2018cv03624
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: The Walt Disney Company, Disney Enterprises, Inc., Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media, Inc., Disney Interactive Studios, Inc., Disney Shopping, Inc., Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Inc., ABC, Inc., Pixar
Plaintiff: Damon Pourshian
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
Masterson et al v. Walt Disney Company The et al
Filed: June 14, 2018 as 2:2018cv05266
Court: California Central District Court
Defendant: Michael Arndt, Josh Cooley, Ronnie Del Carmen, Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media, Inc., Disney Enterprises Inc, Disney Interactive Studios Inc, Disney Shopping Inc, Pete Docter, Meg Lefauve, Pixar, The Walt Disney Company
Plaintiff: Carla Jo Masterson
Nature of Suit: Other
Dulany et al v. Miramax Film NY, LLC et al
Filed: June 1, 2018 as 1:2018cv04857
Court: New York Southern District Court
Defendant: Miramax Film NY, LLC, The Walt Disney Company, Disney Enterprises, Inc., Harvey Weinstein, Robert Weinstein, Dirk Ziff, Tim Sarnoff, Marc Lasry, Tarak Ben Ammar, Lance Maerov, Richard Koenigsberg, Paul Tudor Jones, Jeff Sackman, James L. Dolan, Miramax Does 1-10, John Does 1-50
Plaintiff: Caitlin Dulany, Larissa Gomes, Melissa Thompson
Nature of Suit: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
Malki v. The Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: June 1, 2018 as 6:2018cv00848
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Defendant: The Walt Disney Company, Disney Enterprises, Inc., Pixar, IUniverse, Disney Shopping, Disney Consumer Products, Disney Interactive Studios, Does 1-25
Plaintiff: George Malki
Nature of Suit: Copyrights
Masterson v. The Walt Disney Company et al
Filed: May 31, 2018 as 2:2018cv00989
Court: Nevada District Court
Defendant: Michael Arndt, Josh Cooley, Ronnie Del Carmen, Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc., Disney Interactive Studios, Inc., Disney Shopping, Inc., Pete Docter, Meg Lefauve, Pixar, The Walt Disney Company
Plaintiff: Carla Jo Masterson
Nature of Suit: Copyrights