General Motors State Court Decisions

Stephen Yagman v. General Motors Company et al

Filed: April 20, 2021

State: New York
Court: New York Southern District Court
Case Number: 1:2014cv09058

OPINION AND ORDER AND SUGGESTION OF REMAND: re: (341 in 1:14-cv-09058-JMF) MOTION TRANSFER/REMAND BACK TO CENT. DIST. OF CALIF. re: (338) Order filed by Stephen Yagman. For the foregoing reasons, the Court concludes that Yagman did, in fact, opt ou t of the Class Settlement. It follows that his claims were not, in fact, subject to the release and that his complaint was improperly dismissed. Accordingly, the Court vacates that dismissal and reinstates his First Amended Complaint, ECF No.…

Pucket v. General Motors, LLC

Filed: April 15, 2021

State: Oklahoma
Court: Oklahoma Northern District Court
Case Number: 4:2020cv00075

OPINION AND ORDER by Judge Claire V Eagan ; granting in part and denying in part 19 Motion for Attorney Fees (RGG, Chambers)

Hancock et al v. General Motors LLC dba General Motors Company dba General Motors

Filed: April 14, 2021

State: New York
Court: New York Southern District Court
Case Number: 1:2018cv01019

MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER re: (8226 in 1:14-md-02543-JMF) MOTION for Summary Judgment on the Claims of Hancock Plaintiffs L.H., T.H., C.N., and R.N. filed by General Motors LLC, (130 in 1:18-cv-01019-JMF) MOTION for Summary Jud gment on the Claims Hancock Plaintiffs L.H., T.H., C.N., and R.N.. filed by General Motors L.L.C. "[S]tatutes of repose have been called 'strong medicine' because they preclude 'even meritorious suits because of delay for which the plaintiff…

Rey et al v. General Motors, LLC

Filed: April 14, 2021

State: Missouri
Court: Missouri Western District Court
Case Number: 4:2019cv00714

ORDER denying 71 motion for sanctions. Signed on April 14, 2021, by District Judge Greg Kays. (Law clerk)

Rothermel v. General Motors LLC

Filed: April 13, 2021

State: New York
Court: New York Southern District Court
Case Number: 1:2017cv09353

OPINION AND ORDER re: (8049 in 1:14-md-02543-JMF) MOTION for Attorney Fees pursuant to Order Granting Motion to Enforce Charging Lien(Doc. 8028). filed by Jordon Rothermel, (8078 in 1:14-md-02543-JMF) MOTION for Attorney Fees Red acted as agreed upon with Counsel for GM. filed by Jordon Rothermel. The Court awards Zonas $3,052.50 in attorney's fees and zero in expenses. The Court acknowledges that that is a significant reduction from what Zonas sought. But gi ven the totality…

Liggons v. General Motors, LLC et al

Filed: March 31, 2021

State: Ohio
Court: Ohio Northern District Court
Case Number: 3:2020cv01208

Memorandum Opinion and Order: I conclude Liggons' race and disability discrimination claims in fact are untimely hybrid § 301 claims and dismiss those claims. I also conclude Liggons has pled a plausible claim for retaliation on the basis of race in violation of Title VII. Therefore, I grant GM's motion to dismiss in part and deny it in part. (Doc. No. 12). re 12 . Judge Jeffrey J. Helmick on 3/31/2021. (S,AL)

Chapman et al v. General Motors LLC

Filed: March 31, 2021

State: Michigan
Court: Michigan Eastern District Court
Case Number: 2:2019cv12333

OPINION and ORDER GRANTING IN PART AND DENYING IN PART 48 Motion to Dismiss; and Resolving 52 , 62 , 68 , 69 , 72 , 74 , 75 , 78 Other Motions. Signed by District Judge Terrence G. Berg. (Attachments: # 1 Table of Claims) (AChu)

Chapman et al v. General Motors LLC

Filed: March 31, 2021

State: Michigan
Court: Michigan Eastern District Court
Case Number: 2:2019cv12333

OPINION and ORDER GRANTING IN PART AND DENYING IN PART 48 Motion to Dismiss; and Resolving 52 , 62 , 68 , 69 , 72 , 74 , 75 , 78 Other Motions. Signed by District Judge Terrence G. Berg. (Attachments: # 1 Table of Claims) (AChu)

Massie, et al. v. General Motors Company, et al.

Filed: March 10, 2021

State: California
Court: California Eastern District Court
Case Number: 1:2020cv01560

ORDER GRANTING 27 Stipulation to Set a Schedule for Defendants' Response to Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 3/9/2021. Scheduling Conference CONTINUED to 6/25/2021 at 08:30 AM in Bakersfield, 510 19th Street before Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston. (Hall, S)

CRMSuite Corporation v. General Motors Company et al

Filed: March 10, 2021

State: Florida
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Case Number: 8:2020cv00762

ORDER granting in part and denying in part 59 Motion to Dismiss Third Amended Complaint. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 3/10/2021. (BDJ)

Fraley v. General Motors, LLC

Filed: February 26, 2021

State: Michigan
Court: Michigan Eastern District Court
Case Number: 4:2016cv14465

ORDER granting 51 Defendant's Motion to Strike. Signed by District Judge Terrence G. Berg. (AChu)

Nixon El v. General Motors Company et al

Filed: February 25, 2021

State: Texas
Court: Texas Northern District Court
Case Number: 4:2020cv00471

MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER: The court ORDERS that defendants' 30 motion for summary judgment be, and is hereby, granted, that plaintiff take nothing on his claims against defendants, and that such claims be, and are hereby, dismissed with prejudice. (Ordered by Senior Judge John McBryde on 2/25/2021) (mmw)

Atanassova et al v. General Motors LLC

Filed: February 22, 2021

State: South Carolina
Court: South Carolina District Court
Case Number: 2:2020cv01728

ORDER AND OPINION: Defendant's motion for summary judgment (Dkt. No. 45) is GRANTED IN PART AND DENIED IN PART. The motion is GRANTED as to Plaintiffs' (a) manufacturing defect and (b) failure to warn claims. The mo tion is otherwise DENIED. Defendant's motion to exclude the testimony of Mr. Stephen R. Syson (Dkt. No. 40) is GRANTED IN PART AND DENIED IN PART. The motion is granted only to the extent that Syson (a) may not testify as to an alleged failure t o warn on…

Atanassova et al v. General Motors LLC

Filed: February 22, 2021

State: South Carolina
Court: South Carolina District Court
Case Number: 2:2020cv01728

ORDER AND OPINION: Plaintiffs motions to exclude Manoj Modi, (Dkt. No. 46), andJon Olson, P.E., CFEI, CVFI, (Dkt. No. 47), are DENIED. AND IT IS SO ORDERED.Signed by Honorable Richard M Gergel on 2/22/21.(ltap, )

Dilliner et al v. General Motors, LLC

Filed: February 19, 2021

State: West Virginia
Court: West Virginia Southern District Court
Case Number: 2:2019cv00415

MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER granting in part and denying in part 54 RENEWED UNOPPOSED MOTION for Leave to File Settlement Documents Under Seal; DENIED as to the material terms of the agreement but GRANTED as to the final settlement dollar amount. The request for an in camera hearing is also DENIED. The documents filed under conditional seal [ECF No. 56] are to remain sealed. The parties may submit any proposed settlement agreement in a format consistent with the foregoing opinion.…

James Smith v. General Motors LLC

Filed: February 18, 2021

State: United States
Court: US Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
Case Number: 19-1614

Atanassova et al v. General Motors LLC

Filed: February 12, 2021

State: South Carolina
Court: South Carolina District Court
Case Number: 2:2020cv01728

ORDER AND OPINION The Court GRANTS Defendant's motion to compel (Dkt. No. 50 ). As detailed in the Order, Plaintiffs are DIRECTED to produce all documents responsive to Defendant's RFP Request Nos. 12, 13, 19 and 22 within ten (10) days of this Order. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by Honorable Richard M Gergel on 2/12/2021.(sshe, )

Goldstein et al v. General Motors LLC

Filed: February 3, 2021

State: California
Court: California Southern District Court
Case Number: 3:2019cv01778

ORDER Granting in Part and Denying in Part 55 Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs' Second Amended Complaint. All claims dismissed in this order are dismissed WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Plaintiffs may file an Amended Complaint within thirty (30) days of the date on which this Order is electronically docketed. Signed by Judge Janis L. Sammartino on 2/3/2021. (tcf)

Brown v. General Motors, LLC

Filed: February 1, 2021

State: Maryland
Court: Maryland District Court
Case Number: 8:2020cv01161

MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER granting 7 Motion to Dismiss; granting the Plaintiff 21 days to file an Amended Complaint. Signed by Judge George Jarrod Hazel on 1/29/2021. (cm 2/1/21 - jf3s, Deputy Clerk)

Massie, et al. v. General Motors Company, et al.

Filed: January 20, 2021

State: California
Court: California Eastern District Court
Case Number: 1:2020cv01560

ORDER GRANTING IN PART 10 Stipulation to Permit Plaintiffs to File a Corrected Complaint and Continue the Scheduling Conference, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 1/19/2021. Initial Scheduling Conference CONTINUED to 4/30/2021 at 08:30 AM in Bakersfield, 510 19th Street before Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston. (Hall, S)