General Motors State Court Decisions


Filed: January 14, 2021

State: Michigan
Court: Court of Appeals Published
Case Number: 344005


Filed: January 14, 2021

State: Michigan
Court: Court of Appeals Published
Case Number: 344005

State Farm Fire and Casualty Company v. General Motors LLC

Filed: January 7, 2021

State: Idaho
Court: Idaho District Court
Case Number: 1:2020cv00040

MEMORANDUM DECISION AND ORDER. Defendant General Motors, LLCs Unopposed Motion to Seal (Dkt. 42 ) is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Defendant may refile its motion within 30 days of this Order. Signed by Judge B. Lynn Winmill. (alw)

In re: General Motors LLC Ignition Switch Litigation

Filed: December 18, 2020

State: New York
Court: New York Southern District Court
Case Number: 1:2014mc02543

FINAL ORDER AND FINAL JUDGMENT GRANTING FINAL APPROVAL OF THE ECONOMIC LOSS CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT, CONFIRMING CERTIFICATION OF THE ECONOMIC LOSS SETTLEMENT CLASS, AND DISMISSING ALL ACTIONS WITH PREJUDICE: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED: Jurisdiction. The Court has personal jurisdiction over all Plaintiffs, the Class and all Class Members, New GM, the GUC Trust, and AAT, as well as subject matter jurisdiction over the claims asserted in the Fifth Amended Consolidated Comp…

Groman v. General Motors LLC.

Filed: December 18, 2020

State: New York
Court: New York Southern District Court
Case Number: 1:2014cv02458

FINAL ORDER AND FINAL JUDGMENT GRANTING FINAL APPROVAL OF THE ECONOMIC LOSS CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT, CONFIRMING CERTIFICATION OF THE ECONOMIC LOSS SETTLEMENT CLASS, AND DISMISSING ALL ACTIONS WITH PREJUDICE: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREE D: Jurisdiction. The Court has personal jurisdiction over all Plaintiffs, the Class and all Class Members, New GM, the GUC Trust, and AAT, as well as subject matter jurisdiction over the claims asserted in the Fifth Amended Consolidated…

Groman v. General Motors LLC.

Filed: December 18, 2020

State: New York
Court: New York Southern District Court
Case Number: 1:2014cv02458

MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER re: (8156 in 1:14-md-02543-JMF) MOTION for Attorney Fees . filed by Goodwin Procter LLP. In sum, any claim to attorney's fees that Goodwin may have pursuant to the terms of its private engagement le tter with Lead Counsel has no bearing on whether the Court should approve the Settlement Agreement. Nothing in the Settlement Agreement precludes Goodwin from pursuing such claims as part of the post-settlement allocation process or in a later an d separate…

In re: General Motors LLC Ignition Switch Litigation

Filed: December 18, 2020

State: New York
Court: New York Southern District Court
Case Number: 1:2014mc02543

MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER re: 405 MOTION for Attorney Fees . filed by Goodwin Procter LLP. In sum, any claim to attorney's fees that Goodwin may have pursuant to the terms of its private engagement letter with Lead Counsel has no bearing on whether the Court should approve the Settlement Agreement. Nothing in the Settlement Agreement precludes Goodwin from pursuing such claims as part of the post-settlement allocation process or in a later and separate action for b reach of the…

Francis et al v. General Motors, LLC

Filed: November 30, 2020

State: Michigan
Court: Michigan Eastern District Court
Case Number: 2:2019cv11044

OPINION AND ORDER Granting in Part and Denying in Part 53 Motion to Dismiss. Signed by District Judge David M. Lawson. (SPin)

Counts et al v. General Motors, LLC

Filed: November 25, 2020

State: Michigan
Court: Michigan Eastern District Court
Case Number: 4:2016cv12541

OPINION and ORDER Granting Defendants' 351 Motion to Enforce Scheduling Order. Supplemental Briefing for 337 , 338 , 344 , 345 , 346 Motions Due: (Responses due by 12/22/2020, Replies due by 1/14/2021). Motions terminated: 363 Motion for Leave to File Surreply. Signed by District Judge Thomas L. Ludington. (KWin)

Banks v. General Motors, LLC et al

Filed: November 20, 2020

State: New York
Court: New York Western District Court
Case Number: 1:2014cv00970

DECISION AND ORDER -- IT HEREBY IS ORDERED, that Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment (Docket No. 76) is GRANTED IN PART and DENIED IN PART. SO ORDERED. Signed by William M. Skretny, United States District Judge on 11/20/2020. (JCM)

Alemarah v. General Motors, LLC

Filed: November 18, 2020

State: United States
Court: US Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
Case Number: 20-1346


Filed: October 16, 2020

State: Kentucky
Court: Court of Appeals
Case Number: 2020-CA-0623-WC

Richard Barcomb v. General Motors LLC

Filed: October 15, 2020

State: United States
Court: US Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit
Case Number: 19-1870

[Kobes, Author, with Melloy and Erickson, Circuit Judges] Civil case - Employment law. In an action alleging GM violated the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act by retaliating against plaintiff for alerting management to motor vehicle defects falsely reported and/or confirmed as repaired, the district court did not err in granting GM summary judgment as plaintiff's complaint about the quality control processes in a manufacturing plant are not information related to a motor…

Barcomb v. General Motors LLC

Filed: October 15, 2020

State: United States
Court: US Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit
Case Number: 19-1350

[Kobes, Author, with Melloy and Erickson, Circuit Judges] Civil case - Employment law. In an action alleging GM violated the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act by retaliating against plaintiff for alerting management to motor vehicle defects falsely reported and/or confirmed as repaired, the district court did not err in granting GM summary judgment as plaintiff's complaint about the quality control processes in a manufacturing plant are not information related to a motor…

Martell v. General Motors LLC

Filed: October 6, 2020

State: Oregon
Court: Oregon District Court
Case Number: 3:2020cv00284

Opinion and Order - Defendant's Motion to Dismiss and to Strike (ECF 12 ) is GRANTED IN PART and DENIED IN PART. Plaintiff's claims other than his claim of unjust enrichment are dismissed without prejudice and with leave to replead. Plaintiff's Nationwide Class allegations and request for injunctive relief are stricken. Plaintiff may file an Amended Complaint within 14 days of this Opinion and Order. Signed on 10/6/2020 by Judge Michael H. Simon. (mja)

Goodwin v. General Motors LLC

Filed: October 6, 2020

State: New York
Court: New York Southern District Court
Case Number: 1:2018cv02590

MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER re: (73 in 1:18-cv-02590-JMF) CROSS MOTION for Settlement or for Alternative Relief. filed by General Motors LLC, (66 in 1:18-cv-02590-JMF) MOTION. filed by Diane Goodwin. The motions to enforce the se ttlement are GRANTED (except as set forth above), and Goodwin is ORDERED, within two weeks of the date of this Memorandum Opinion and Order, to sign the Confidential Settlement Agreement and Release attached as Exhibit 22 to the Bloom Declaration an d return it…

CRMSuite Corporation v. General Motors Company et al

Filed: October 5, 2020

State: Florida
Court: Florida Middle District Court
Case Number: 8:2020cv00762

ORDER granting 41 Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim; denying as moot 41 Motion for More Definite Statement; granting 42 Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim; denying 43 Motion to Strike. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 10/5/2020. (BDJ)

Reid v. General Motors LLC

Filed: September 30, 2020

State: Michigan
Court: Michigan Eastern District Court
Case Number: 2:2019cv13018

OPINION and ORDER Granting General Motors LLC's 15 Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended Class Action Complaint. Signed by District Judge Linda V. Parker. (RLou)

Fenner et al v. General Motors LLC et al

Filed: September 18, 2020

State: Michigan
Court: Michigan Eastern District Court
Case Number: 1:2017cv11661

ORDER Granting Defendants' 188 Motion to Establish Certain Facts as Established Under Rule 37. Signed by District Judge Thomas L. Ludington. (KWin)