Sandisk Federal District Court Decisions

Ritz Camera & Image, LLC v. Sandisk Corporation et al

Filed: December 16, 2010 as 5:2010cv02787
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: Sandisk Corporation, Eliyahou Harari
Plaintiff: Ritz Camera & Image, LLC
Nature of Suit: Antitrust

ORDER STAYING DISCOVERY. Signed by Judge Jeremy Fogel on December 14, 2010.

Sandisk Corporation v. Shea Integration Solutions Corp

Filed: November 5, 2010 as 4:2010cv03617
Court: California Northern District Court
3rd Party Plaintiff: Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.
Defendant: Shea Integration Solutions Corp
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER APPROVING SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL: Permitting the substitution of Gary S. Fergus in place and in stead of Spencer Hosie, George F. Bishop and Bruce Wecker as counsel for Defendant/Counter-Claimant Shea Integration Solutions Corp. re 23 Notice of Substitution of Counsel. Signed by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong on 11/4/10. (jlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/5/2010)

Ritz Camera & Image, LLC v. Sandisk Corporation et al

Filed: September 2, 2010 as 5:2010cv02787
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: Sandisk Corporation, Eliyahou Harari
Plaintiff: Ritz Camera & Image, LLC
Nature of Suit: Antitrust

STIPULATION AND ORDER EXTENDING TIME TO ANSWER OR OTHERWISE RESPOND TO THE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT (approving 28 ). Signed by Judge Jeremy Fogel on 9/2/2010. (jflc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/2/2010)

Ritz Camera & Image, LLC v. Sandisk Corporation et al

Filed: July 30, 2010 as 5:2010cv02787
Court: California Northern District Court
Defendant: Sandisk Corporation, Eliyahou Harari
Plaintiff: Ritz Camera & Image, LLC
Nature of Suit: Antitrust

ORDER RELATING CASES. Signed by Judge Jeremy Fogel on 7/7/10. (dlm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/30/2010)

SanDisk Corp. v. Phison Electronics Corp. et al

Filed: April 2, 2010 as 3:2007cv00605
Court: Wisconsin Western District Court
Defendant: A-Data Technology (USA) Co., Ltd., A-Data Technology Co., Ltd., Acer, Inc., Apacer Memory America, Inc., Apacer Technology Inc., Behavior Tech Computer Corp., Behavior Tech Computer USA Corp., Buffalo Technology (USA) Inc., Buffalo, Inc., Dane-Elec Corp. USA, Dane-Elec Memory, S.A., Infotech Logistic LLC, Kingston Technology Co., Inc., Kingston Technology Corp., Melco Holdings, Inc., MemoSun, Inc., Payton Technology Corp., Phison Electronics Corp., PNY Technologies, Inc., Power Quotient International Co., Ltd., PQI Corp., Silicon Motion International, Inc., Silicon Motion Technology Corp., Silicon Motion, Inc. (California), Silicon Motion, Inc. (Taiwan), Skymedi Corp., Synergistic Sales, Inc., Transcend Information Inc. (California, U.S.A.), Transcend Information Inc. (Taiwan), Transcend Information Maryland, Inc., USBest Technology, Inc., Verbatim Corp. and others
Plaintiff: SanDisk Corp.
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER denying as moot (301) Motion to Dismiss ; denying as moot (318) Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction; denying as moot (360) Motion to Dismiss ; denying (475) Motion to Amend Complaint; granting (182) Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdic tion in case 3:07-cv-00605-bbc; denying as moot (277) Motion to Dismiss ; denying as moot (295) Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction; denying as moot (337) Motion to Dismiss ; denying (453) Motion to Amend Complaint in case…

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: March 24, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER REGARDING EXPERT COMPENSATION. Signed by Judge Alsup on March 24, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/24/2010)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: March 19, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER REGARDING COMPENSATION FOR RULE 706 EXPERT. Signed by Judge Alsup on March 19, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/19/2010)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: March 19, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL OF ACTION WITH PREJUDICE. Signed by Judge Alsup on March 19, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/19/2010)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: March 17, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

TENTATIVE CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ORDER AND REQUEST FOR CRITIQUE. Signed by Judge Alsup on March 17, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/17/2010)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: March 17, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

NOTICE OF SELECTION OF RULE 706 EXPERT. Signed by Judge Alsup on March 17, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/17/2010)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: March 17, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER REGARDING COURT-APPOINTED EXPERT. Signed by Judge Alsup on March 17, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/17/2010)

SanDisk Corp. v. Phison Electronics Corp. et al

Filed: March 12, 2010 as 3:2007cv00605
Court: Wisconsin Western District Court
Defendant: A-Data Technology (USA) Co., Ltd., A-Data Technology Co., Ltd., Acer, Inc., Apacer Memory America, Inc., Apacer Technology Inc., Behavior Tech Computer Corp., Behavior Tech Computer USA Corp., Buffalo Technology (USA) Inc., Buffalo, Inc., Dane-Elec Corp. USA, Dane-Elec Memory, S.A., Infotech Logistic LLC, Kingston Technology Co., Inc., Kingston Technology Corp., Melco Holdings, Inc., MemoSun, Inc., Payton Technology Corp., Phison Electronics Corp., PNY Technologies, Inc., Power Quotient International Co., Ltd., PQI Corp., Silicon Motion International, Inc., Silicon Motion Technology Corp., Silicon Motion, Inc. (California), Silicon Motion, Inc. (Taiwan), Skymedi Corp., Synergistic Sales, Inc., Transcend Information Inc. (California, U.S.A.), Transcend Information Inc. (Taiwan), Transcend Information Maryland, Inc., USBest Technology, Inc., Verbatim Corp. and others
Plaintiff: SanDisk Corp.
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER granting (472 in 3:07-cv-00607-bbc, 493 in 3:07-cv-00605-bbc) Motion for Transfer of the ITC Record to the District Court in case 3:07-cv-00605-bbc and 3:07-cv-00607-bbc. Signed by Chief Judge Barbara B. Crabb on 3/11/2010. Associated Cases: 3:07-cv-00605-bbc, 3:07-cv-00607-bbc (llj)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: March 4, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

REQUEST TO POTENTIAL RULE 706 EXPERTS. Signed by Judge Alsup on March 4, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/4/2010)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: March 1, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER RESCHEDULING RULE 706 CONFERENCE TO MARCH 3. Signed by Judge Alsup on March 1, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/1/2010)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: March 1, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER APPROVING JOINT REQUEST TO BRING A/V EQUIPMENT INTO COURTROOM. Signed by Judge Alsup on March 1, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/1/2010)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: February 22, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER CONTINUING HEARING DATE FOR MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT. Signed by Judge Alsup on February 22, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/22/2010)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: February 22, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER REGARDING EXPERT CANDIDATES. Signed by Judge Alsup on February 22, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/22/2010)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: February 3, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER APPROVING STIPULATED REQUEST FOR EXTENSION REGARDING RULE 706 EXPERTS. Signed by Judge Alsup on February 3, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/3/2010)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: January 26, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED REQUEST TO CONTINUE TECHNOLOGY TUTORIAL TO MARCH 3, 2010. Signed by Judge Alsup on January 26, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/26/2010)

Sandisk Corporation v. LSI Corporation

Filed: January 25, 2010 as 3:2009cv02737
Court: California Northern District Court
Counter-claimant: Agere Systems Inc., LSI Corporation
Counter-defendant: Sandisk Corporation
Defendant: LSI Corporation
Plaintiff: Sandisk Corporation
Nature of Suit: Patent

SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER REGARDING RULE 706 EXPERT. Signed by Judge Alsup on January 25, 2010. (whalc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/25/2010)