-BNB Lopez v. ServiceSource Network et al
Filed: November 1, 2010 as 1:2010cv02576
Court: Colorado District Court
Defendant: ServiceSource Inc., ServiceSource Network
Plaintiff: Lucy Lopez
Nature of Suit: Americans with Disabilities - Employment
ORDER : Scheduling Conference set for 1/13/2011 03:00 PM in Courtroom A 401 before Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland, by Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland on 11/1/10. (bnbcd, )
-MEH Boles v. ServiceSource Network et al
Filed: October 25, 2010 as 1:2010cv02498
Court: Colorado District Court
Defendant: ServiceSource Inc., ServiceSource Network
Plaintiff: Walterine Cheryl Boles
Nature of Suit: Americans with Disabilities - Employment
ORDER REGARDING CUSTODY OF EXHIBITS AND DEPOSITIONS USED IN EVIDENTIARY HEARINGS AND TRIALS: Any exhibits and depositions used during evidentiary hearings or trials, counsel for the parties shall retrieve the originals of such exhibits and deposition s from the Court following the evidentiary hearing or trial, and shall retain same for 60 days beyond the later of the time to appeal or conclusion of any appellate proceedings. The Court will retain its copy of the exhibits for the same…